The webinar was hosted by IAS – the International AIDS Society – on 30 March 2023, provided the latest updates on long-acting injectable PrEP, including science and research emerging from recent conferences and the results from HPTN 083 and 084. Participants also heard a civil society perspective on the evolving PrEP landscape, as well as on-the-ground approaches to increase access to long-acting PrEP.
Making PrEP accessible: Updates on long-acting injectable options
30 March 2023
Find out more about the work of the IAS
Beatriz Grinsztejn
MD, STI/HIV Clinical Research Laboratory, Director and IAS President-Elect
Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas-Fiocruz
Results from HPTN 083 and 084
Sunil S Solomon
MBBS PhD MPH, Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Long-Acting PrEP: What we learned from CROI and what we still need to know
- Sunil S Solomon presentation slides.pdf (2.25 MB)
Mitchell Warren
IAS Governing Council member and Executive Director
Accelerating Access to Long-Acting PrEP: Oral PrEP Progress and Planning for the Future
- Mitchell Warren presentation slides.pdf (2.79 MB)