Making PrEP accessible: Updates on long-acting injectable options

The webinar was hosted by IAS – the International AIDS Society – on 30 March 2023, provided the latest updates on long-acting injectable PrEP, including science and research emerging from recent conferences and the results from HPTN 083 and 084. Participants also heard a civil society perspective on the evolving PrEP landscape, as well as on-the-ground approaches to increase access to long-acting PrEP.

30 March 2023

Renata Sanders

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


Beatriz Grinsztejn

MD, STI/HIV Clinical Research Laboratory, Director and IAS President-Elect

Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas-Fiocruz

Results from HPTN 083 and 084

Sunil S Solomon

MBBS PhD MPH, Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology

Johns Hopkins University, USA

Long-Acting PrEP: What we learned from CROI and what we still need to know

Shakirah Namwanje

Policy Research and Advocacy Officer

Uganda Network of AIDS Service Organizations (UNASO)

The evolving PrEP landscape

Mitchell Warren

IAS Governing Council member and Executive Director


Accelerating Access to Long-Acting PrEP: Oral PrEP Progress and Planning for the Future