Person-centred care approaches for preventing HPV-related cancers among people living with HIV


Marlène Bras

International AIDS Society, Switzerland

Adeeba Kamarulzaman

Monash University, Malaysia

Mary Nyangasi

World Health Organization, Switzerland


Meg Doherty

World Health Organization, Switzerland 

Updates in HPV-related WHO guidance, especially for people living with HIV

Benda N. Kithaka

African Cervical Health Alliance, Kilele Health Association, Kenya

The role of civil society in cervical cancer elimination in Africa

Karen Canfell

The Daffodil Centre, Cancer Council NSW and the University of NSW, Australia

Building the investment case for cervical cancer elimination, including for people living with HIV

Helen Kelly

World Health Organization, Switzerland

The integration of HIV service delivery and cervical cancer screening and treatment programmes: key lessons learnt

Doreen Ali

Malawi Ministry of Health, Malawi

Malawi’s approach to cervical cancer secondary prevention: the model of HIV/CxCa services integration

Maribel Almonte

World Health Organization, Switzerland

Improving access to HPV testing

Andrew Grulich

The Kirby Institute, University of NSW, Australia

Updates to anal cancer screening evidence

Sally Agallo Kwenda

NCD Alliance, Kenya

Discussion with presenters and lived experience advocate Sally Agallo Kwenda, NCD Alliance, Kenya