What is the common approach to filling the gap in the treatment cascade?

Panel discussion given in the context of the IAS Educational Fund and Union for Equity and Health symposium titled, "Uniting science and community to accelerate the HIV response in EECA", organized in collaboration with UNAIDS and the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy; held in Chisinau, Moldova, on 11 November 2024.

11 November 2024
Svetlana Plamadeala

Svetlana Plamadeala

Country Director


Alina Cojocari

Alina Cojocari

Head of prevention and psychosocial support for key vulnerable groups and people living with HIV

Positive Initiative

Alexandru Goja

Alexandru Goja

Health Program LGBT+ Consultant/ Specialist in Monitoring and Evaluation/ Outreach


Iurie Climasevschi

Coordinator of the National Program for Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS and STIs

Clinical hospital for infectious diseases "Toma Ciorbă"

Giedrius Likatavicius



Charlotte Oloya

Head of Communications, Partnerships, and Advocacy

Strong Minds

Andrei Esanu


Family Federation for World Peace and Unification