Delivering differently: Service delivery optimization to ensure sustainability of the HIV response

At present, long-acting injectable formulations require administration by healthcare workers on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. At the same time, data from PEPFAR-supported programmes highlights that 79% of people on ART were receiving at least three months of ART at a time. Many of these ART refills are collected from fast-track systems at a health facility or from community-based settings staffed by lay providers with clinical consultations limited to once or twice a year.   

The aim of the session is to: 1) present the landscape of widely implemented differentiated service delivery [1] models for HIV prevention and treatment; 2) discuss current challenges in service delivery differentiation and integration that could be addressed by long-acting formulations and delivery platforms; 3) outline key considerations from a service delivery perspective that should be considered in the development and implementation of long-acting formulations and delivery platforms; and 4) hear perspectives from communities, civil society, ministries of health and frontline providers on what is required to better enable new long-acting technologies utilization within service delivery systems.  

View session 1 of the series here and session 3 here

25 May 2022

Anton Pozniak

IAS Past-President and Consultant Physician in HIV Medicine

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, UK

Helen McDowell

Head of Government Affairs & Global Public Health

ViiV Healthcare


Wim Vandevelde

GNP+, South Africa

Recap of session 1

Anna Grimsrud

Senior Technical Advisor

International AIDS Society

An overview of differentiated service delivery (DSD) for HIV prevention and treatment: Current landscape and challenges

Marco Vitoria

Medical Officer in the Department of HIV/AIDS

World Health Organization

Rapid fire key service delivery considerations in the development and implementation of long-acting formulations and delivery platforms

Kimberly Green

PATH, Vietnam

Rapid fire key service delivery considerations in the development and implementation of long-acting formulations and delivery platforms

Nelson Otwoma

Executive Director

National Empowerment Network of people living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya (NEPHAK)

Rapid fire key service delivery considerations in the development and implementation of long-acting formulations and delivery platforms

Peter Ehrenkranz

Deputy Director, HIV

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Rapid fire key service delivery considerations in the development and implementation of long-acting formulations and delivery platforms

Nittaya Phanuphak

Executive Director

Institute of HIV Research and Innovation in Bangkok, Thailand

What are the enablers and implementation challenges that new long-acting prevention technologies should consider

Maurine Murenga

Global Fund Advocates Network

Sínead Delany-Moretlwe

University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

Kenneth Ngure

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

Helen Bygrave

IAS DSD consultant


Nittaya Phanuphak

Executive Director

Institute of HIV Research and Innovation in Bangkok, Thailand