Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise Annual Stakeholder Meeting: “HIV vaccine cannot be ‘business as usual.’”

The scientific challenges of developing an HIV vaccine are exacerbated by funding trends, investment patterns and the diminishing involvement of early-career researchers. The goal of the annual stakeholders’ meeting is to collectively interact with the scientific community and other stakeholders involved in HIV vaccine R&D, to identify and define ways to address the ongoing challenge challenges faced by HIV vaccine R&D. This year’s meeting also aims to revitalize and redefine HIV vaccine advocacy, with a particular focus on identifying messages to ensure sustained financial and scientific support for research globally.  

20 December 2023
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Marlène Bras

Director, HIV Programmes and Advocacy

International AIDS Society


Vincent Muturi-Kioi

Senior Medical Director

International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, Kenya

State of the art of current approaches

Sheila Balinda

Assistant Professor/Senior Scientist

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Uganda

mRNA platform for the development of an HIV vaccine: Curb your enthusiasm?

Mitchell Warren

Executive Director


HIV resource tracker – Overview of current state of funding and trends
Roundtable discussion: Not business as usual, how do we move forward and foster new ideas?

Roger Tatoud

Origena Consulting, France

Roundtable discussion: Reinventing HIV vaccine advocacy in the era of PrEP and U=U

Shan Lu

Worcester HIV Vaccine

Maureen Luba

Program Manager

Cooper Smith, Malawi