With 1.3 million new HIV acquisitions in 2022, the HIV response is not on track to attain the 2025 prevention target of 370,000 or less annual new acquisitions. In the coming years, it will be essential to invest in scaling innovative and effective service models for the delivery of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Differentiated service delivery (DSD) for PrEP and PEP simplifies and decentralizes services through the provision of easier-to-collect, longer refills at convenient locations. It de-medicalizes, enhances task sharing and facilitates the integration of services, including screening for and managing common conditions. This session will spotlight the latest evidence and guidance on differentiated PEP and PrEP and showcase models that have shown to increase access, improve uptake, support effective use and reduce unnecessary burdens on the health system. This session will be of interest to researchers, advocates, implementers, and funders.
Differentiated PEP and PrEP – reaching more people with HIV prevention services using DSD
6 October 2024
Beatriz Grinsztejn
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)
Introduction and overview of differentiated service delivery (DSD) for PEP and PrEP
- presentation-slides.pptx (5.83 MB)
Damary Rehema Chora
Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)
Adapting the where for PEP & PrEP – expanding service reach through private pharmacies in Kenya
- presentation-slides.pptx (2.27 MB)
Keitumetse Lebelo
Desmond Tutu Health Foundation
The era of choice – the FastPREP model in South Africa
- presentation-slides.pptx (5.42 MB)
Adriano Queiroz Da Silva
Municipal Health Department of São Paulo
Expanding options and reach - online PEP and PrEP in Brazil
- presentation-slides.pptx (17.53 MB)
Keitumetse Lebelo
Desmond Tutu Health Foundation
Kenneth Ngure
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Gastón Devisich
Fundación Huésped
Beatriz Grinsztejn
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)
Damary Rehema Chora
Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)
Adriano Queiroz Da Silva
Municipal Health Department of São Paulo

Michelle Rodolph
World Health Organization
Closing reflections and next steps