Person-centred and integrated healthcare and harm reduction services for people living with and affected by HIV, hepatitis C and tuberculosis in eastern Europe and central Asia

Despite harm reduction programmes being widely included in many national HIV plans across the region, a challenging legal environment, human rights violations, insufficient funding and military conflict are hindering an effective HIV and hepatitis (HCV) response. Moreover, the region is contending with a high prevalence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) and of TB/HIV co-infection. The aim of the satellite is to help the audience gain a deeper understanding of the structural barriers impacting access to HIV, HCV and TB prevention and treatment services for people seeking care. It will showcase good practice models of community-led and integrated person-centred services, including those established for and by people who use drugs and people with lived experience of imprisonment. This session is addressed at clients, programme planners and implementers as well as policy makers.

22 July 2024

Tetiana Kiriazova

Ukrainian Institute on Public Health Policy

Fariba Soltani

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime


Fariba Soltani

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Opening remarks (part 1) - EECA regional perspectives on person-centred care

Alexei Lakhov

European Network of People Who Use Drugs

Harm reduction and HIV response challenges and innovations in the EECA region

Natalia Sidorenko

ANO Center for Promoting Partnerships in the Healthcare Sphere “”

Overview of community-led approaches and barriers to the MDR-TB response in the EECA region

Anna Koshikova

Eurasian Movement for the Right to Health in Prisons

Community-led monitoring roadmap for access to HIV, TB and HCV services in prisons without discrimination

Milosz Parczewski

Pomeranian Medical University

Overview of the JIAS supplement - The HIV epidemic in eastern Europe and central Asia: challenges and opportunities

Fariba Soltani

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Alexei Lakhov

European Network of People Who Use Drugs

Natalia Sidorenko

ANO Center for Promoting Partnerships in the Healthcare Sphere “”

Anna Koshikova

Eurasian Movement for the Right to Health in Prisons

Milosz Parczewski

Pomeranian Medical University

Q&A (part 1) - EECA regional perspectives on person-centred care

Tetiana Kiriazova

Ukrainian Institute on Public Health Policy

Opening remarks (part 2) - Good practice models for person-centred care

Ala Iatco

Union for Equity and Health

Integrated services for gender-based violence, HCV and innovations for users of psychoactive substances in Moldova

David Otiashvili

Alternative Georgia

Syringe vending machines and other innovations in Georgia to provide integrated harm reduction and HCV services

Myroslava Filippovych

Ukrainian Institute on Public Health Policy

Simplified HCV management algorithm in Opioid Agonist Treatment clinics in Ukraine

Anne Aslett

Elton John AIDS Foundation

Radian's mission and impact in the EECA region

Tetiana Kiriazova

Ukrainian Institute on Public Health Policy

Ala Iatco

Union for Equity and Health

David Otiashvili

Alternative Georgia

Myroslava Filippovych

Ukrainian Institute on Public Health Policy

Anne Aslett

Elton John AIDS Foundation

Q&A (part 2) - Good practice models for person-centred care

Fariba Soltani

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Closing remarks